3.5 2021/11/13
Event Quest★7 雷神再臨
Clouds of Narwa Rumble Again
3.5 2021/11/02
H★7 雷神
Serpent Goddess of Thunder
3.5 2021/10/31
Event Quest★7 風神再臨
Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
3.4.1 2021/10/29
Event Quest★7 風神再臨
Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
3.1.0 2021/07/10
Event Quest★7 称号・シノビの心
Heart of a Ninja
3.1.0 2021/07/04
H★7 高難度:猛者たちの酒宴
Advanced: Proof of Power
3.0.0 2021/06/21
H★7 高難度:ヌシの名を戴くもの
Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
3.0.0 2021/06/13
H★7 電光雷轟、ヌシ・ジンオウガ
The Voltaic Apex Zinogre
3.0.0 2021/06/10
H★7 為虎添翼、ヌシ・リオレウス
The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
3.0.0 2021/06/07
H★7 痛烈無比、ヌシ・ディアブロス
The Devastating Apex Diablos
3.0.0 2021/06/06
H★7 痛烈無比、ヌシ・ディアブロス
The Devastating Apex Diablos