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High Rank Quests

Latest records

3.9.1 2022/06/17
H★7 優美高妙、ヌシ・リオレイア
The Graceful Apex Rathian
3.9.1 2022/06/17
Event Quest★7 高難度:我ら楽土がかぞいろは
Advanced: Born of Paradise
3.9.1 2022/06/17
Event Quest★7 高難度:赫耀動乱
Advanced: Crimson Calamity
3.9.1 2022/06/17
H★4 変幻せよ! 剣斧の型
Study the Switch Axe
3.9.1 2022/06/17
H★7 鬼火を纏いしモノ
Clad in Hellfire
3.9.1 2022/06/16
H★7 古の幻影
Ancient Illusion
3.9.1 2022/06/16
H★7 牛飲馬食、ヌシ・アオアシラ
The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
3.9.1 2022/06/15
H★4 理解せよ! 狩猟笛の型
Honing Your Hunting Horn
3.9.1 2022/06/15
H★7 痛烈無比、ヌシ・ディアブロス
The Devastating Apex Diablos
3.9.1 2022/06/15
H★6 山河に一閃、響く雷鳴
Skies Flash, Clouds Boom
3.9.1 2022/06/14
H★7 牛飲馬食、ヌシ・アオアシラ
The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
3.9.1 2022/06/14
Event Quest★7 風神再臨
Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
3.9.1 2022/06/13
Event Quest★7 ヌシ・タマミツネ重大事変
Apex Mizutsune Emergency
3.9.1 2022/06/12
H★4 学べ! 軽弩の型
Learning the Light Bowgun
3.9.1 2022/06/12
Event Quest★7 ヌシ・ジンオウガ重大事変
Apex Zinogre Emergency
3.9.1 2022/06/11
H★4 毒の錦を纏う
Donning Toxicity
3.9.1 2022/06/11
H★5 女王に魅せられて
Charmed by a Queen
3.9.1 2022/06/11
H★7 炎国の王
The Emperor of Flame
3.9.1 2022/06/09
Event Quest★7 SF・サイキョー流昇段試験(エリア5ラージャン)
SF: Ultimate Promotion Exam(Area 5 Rajang)
3.9.1 2022/06/08
H★7 悪鬼羅刹
Evil Afoot

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