3.9.1 2022/06/14
Event Quest★7 風神再臨
Gales of Ibushi Blow Again
3.7.0 2021/12/23
Event Quest★7 大地激高
Kunai Ask You a Favor?
3.5 2021/11/05
H★7 鬼火を纏いしモノ
Clad in Hellfire
3.3.1 2021/09/29
H★7 奇しき赫耀
The Crimson Glow
3.3.1 2021/09/09
H★7 高難度:ヌシの名を戴くもの
Advanced: Those Crowned Apex
3.2.0 2021/08/21
H★7 電光雷轟、ヌシ・ジンオウガ
The Voltaic Apex Zinogre
3.0.0 2021/06/19
H★7 為虎添翼、ヌシ・リオレウス
The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
3.0.0 2021/06/03
H★7 彼方より来たる凶星(寒冷群島)
The Evil Star from Beyond(Frost Islands)
2.0.0 2021/05/23
H★7 古の幻影
Ancient Illusion