3.9.1 2022/06/11
H★5 女王に魅せられて
Charmed by a Queen
3.9.1 2022/05/30
H★7 火吹き御前
Can't Kill It with Fire
3.9.1 2022/05/16
Event Quest★7 ヌシ・タマミツネ重大事変
Apex Mizutsune Emergency
3.9.1 2022/04/20
H★7 爆鱗竜、再び飛来す(寒冷群島)
Return of the Bazelgeuse(Frost Islands)
3.9.1 2022/04/08
Event Quest★7 ヌシ・ジンオウガ重大事変
Apex Zinogre Emergency
3.8.0 2022/02/17
H★7 電光雷轟、ヌシ・ジンオウガ
The Voltaic Apex Zinogre
3.7.0 2022/02/08
Event Quest★7 ヌシ・タマミツネ重大事変
Apex Mizutsune Emergency
3.7.0 2022/01/18
H★7 雪鬼獣がやってくる
It's Gonna Get You!
3.7.0 2022/01/06
H★6 天上に紅蓮咲く
Red Skies at Night
3.6.1 2021/12/16
H★7 轟轟たる咆哮
A Resounding Roar
3.6.1 2021/12/14
Event Quest★7 ヌシ・リオレイア重大事変
Apex Rathian Emergency
3.5 2021/12/13
H★7 優美高妙、ヌシ・リオレイア
The Graceful Apex Rathian