3.7.0 2022/01/29
H★7 悪鬼羅刹
Evil Afoot
3.7.0 2022/01/24
H★7 轟轟たる咆哮
A Resounding Roar
3.7.0 2022/01/19
H★7 泥海へ手招く
A Muddy Invitation
3.7.0 2022/01/13
H★7 鬼火を纏いしモノ
Clad in Hellfire
3.7.0 2022/01/05
H★7 火吹き御前
Can't Kill It with Fire
3.6.1 2021/12/14
H★7 牛飲馬食、ヌシ・アオアシラ
The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
3.4.1 2021/10/20
H★7 雪鬼獣がやってくる
It's Gonna Get You!
3.4.1 2021/10/04
H★7 地底を駆ける角竜
Subterranean Disturbances
3.3.1 2021/09/30
H★6 猛追、蛮顎竜
Closer Than it Appears
3.3.1 2021/09/26
H★6 冥途へ誘う歌声
A Somniferous Elegy
3.3.1 2021/09/11
H★6 頭上を飛び跳ねる脅威
Skies are Gray
3.3.1 2021/09/06
H★6 天上に紅蓮咲く
Red Skies at Night
3.2.0 2021/08/20
H★6 琥珀色の牙を研ぐ
Sharpening Amber Fangs
3.2.0 2021/08/16
H★6 赤き双眸、夜陰を断つ
The Abyss Stares Back
3.1.0 2021/07/02
H★6 妖艶なる舞
A Bewitching Dance
3.0.0 2021/06/18
H★6 山河に一閃、響く雷鳴
Skies Flash, Clouds Boom
3.0.0 2021/06/10
H★6 琥珀色の牙を研ぐ
Sharpening Amber Fangs