3.0.0 2021/06/07
集★7 為虎添翼、ヌシ・リオレウス
The Fearsome Apex Rathalos
3.0.0 2021/06/02
集★7 彼方より来たる凶星(大社跡)
The Evil Star from Beyond(Shrine Ruins)
2.0.0 2021/05/25
集★7 千紫万紅、ヌシ・タマミツネ
The Harlequin Apex Mizutsune
1.1.2 2021/05/22
集★7 火吹き御前
Can't Kill It with Fire
1.1.2 2021/05/22
集★6 山河に一閃、響く雷鳴
Skies Flash, Clouds Boom
1.1.2 2021/05/21
集★7 泥海へ手招く
A Muddy Invitation
1.1.2 2021/05/21
集★7 地底を駆ける角竜
Subterranean Disturbances
1.1.2 2021/05/21
集★7 悪鬼羅刹
Evil Afoot
2.0.0 2021/05/21
集★7 古の幻影
Ancient Illusion
2.0.0 2021/05/21
集★7 嵐に舞う黒い影
The Steely Storm
2.0.0 2021/05/21
集★7 炎国の王
The Emperor of Flame