3.9.1 2022/06/06
H★7 古の幻影
Ancient Illusion
3.7.0 2022/01/29
Event Quest★7 砂塵に揺らめく嵐の支配者
Tempest in the Desert
3.7.0 2022/01/22
Event Quest★7 炎帝、熱砂の地を見下ろす
Scorching Showdown
3.7.0 2022/01/17
H★7 牛飲馬食、ヌシ・アオアシラ
The Avaricious Apex Arzuros
3.7.0 2022/01/06
H★7 高難度:嵐ト炎ヲ司ルモノ
Advanced: Of Storm and Fire
3.7.0 2021/12/26
H★7 嵐に舞う黒い影
The Steely Storm
3.6.1 2021/12/07
H★7 炎国の王
The Emperor of Flame